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NGO sensitises stakeholders in Plateau State on inclusive governance



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An NGO, Accountability Lab Nigeria, has organised town hall meetings in three communities of Plateau to sensitise stakeholders on good governance.

The town hall meetings were held in Giring, Kabong and Gangare communities of Jos North Local Government Area of the state.

Speaking separately at the meetings on Monday, Mr Odeh Friday, the Country Director of the organisation said that the town hall meeting was part of its project tagged “Gov-Her-Nance”.

Friday added that the project aimed at promoting deeper participation of women, youths and Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs) in decision making.

“These town hall meetings are geared toward building trust between communities and government

“Also, to increase the inclusion and participation of women, youths and PWDs in governance and decision-making in Plateau,”he said.

The country director explained that the meeting would avail it the opportunity to collect critical information from communities toward solving their daily problems particularly among marginalised citizens.

He further said that the initiative would strengthen the community’s ability to self-advocate, adding that the goal is to improve decision-making processes through citizen engagement and inclusion.

“Our primary objective is to promote women’s civic participation, gender-sensitive and inclusive policy-making in project focal locations.

“Also to ensure communities have an improved understanding of their rights and are better equipped to advocate for improved policies in public and private decision-making spaces.

“Data was collected from communities on their challenges to solve daily problems for marginalized citizens,”he said.

It reports that community leaders, politicians, women and youths groups, PWDs, among others participated in the town hall meeting.

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