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Military don’t aid terrorism, they tackle it – DHQ replies Katsina gov



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The Nigerian Defence Headquarters has replied Katsina State Governor, Dikko Radda over his comment on a national television accusing military of aiding and profiting from terrorism.

The reply was at the backdrop the governor’s allegation on a Television programme ‘Politics Today’ on 5 April 2024 stating that the Military is aiding and profiting from terrorism activities in Katsina State.

In a statement by the Director of Media Operations, Major General Edward Buba which was obtained on Wednesday in Abuja, he said the military would not join words with him, but advised that he should approach the military high command to prove his allegations.

“The Armed Forces of Nigeria is hereby making it unequivocally clear that, it is subservient to all elected government representatives and therefore regards the relationship with utmost respect.

“In the light of the aforementioned statement of His Excellency the Governor of Katsina State, the Armed Forces of Nigeria elects not to join words with the state Governor, rather would encourage him to approach the military high command to substantiate his allegations.

“It is worthy of note to state that, the Armed Forces of Nigeria led by the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa, has zero tolerance for indiscipline and any form of criminality in the conduct of operations across the country. It is for this reason that, there are standing court Martials to treat any form of misbehaviour by troops especially those that portray the military negatively to the general populace.

The military remains unperturbed by such statements capable of demoralizing or dampening the spirit of troops in operational theatres. Rather, we will continue on the trajectory of conducting operations as well as working assiduously in the fight against terrorism.”

The statement urged Nigerians to report any misconduct involving men and officers of the military for the appropriate military justice to be meted against such officer.

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