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Senate confirms NCC’s 2 commissioners



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Two Commissioners of the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC have been confirmed by the Senate on Wednesday during a plenary in Abuja.

The two Commissioners are, Rimini Makama and Abraham Oshadami

The confirmation was sequel to the Committee report by Senator Aliyu Bilbis representing Zamfara Central Senatorial District, revealing that the nominees were screened and found worthy to serve as Commissioners.

He also added that there was no petition against them over their past records, while he urged Senators to consider them for the job.

After the satisfactory report with lawmakers’ favourable contributions, Senate President, Godswill Akpabio confirmed the nominees to serve as Commissioners when the upper Chamber dissolved into the Committee of the whole.

The confirmed Makama, was known for her expertise in public relations and stakeholders, will serve as the executive commissioner responsible for stakeholder management.

Meanwhile, Oshadami, who has experience in engineering and technology, will be a member of the administrative technical commission. Their appointment in marks an important step towards strengthening the leadership of Nigeria’s telecommunications regulator.

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