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Curbing Corruption in Judiciary: A clarion call for fairness



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The judiciary, being the last hope of the common man, it has become necessary for all hands to be on deck towards ensuring that the appointments of judges to the superior courts of record, or any courts whatsoever are devoid of corruption.

As clearly stated in the petition on the appointment of judges, it is hoped that, if the appointments are got right, every other thing towards ensuring justice delivery will follow suit.

Judiciary, as an arm of government saddled with the constitutional responsibility of adjudicating any conflict should be seen to be just and fair in its duties within the provision of the law, not only while adjudicating, but also in its administrative responsibilities within the temple of Justice while appointing judges.

For some few individuals that were oppotuned to be given appointments within the Supreme Court to engage in Corrupt related issues of denying qualified applicants to be appointed into the Federal High Court, it is so disheartening that something so urgent needs to be done to bring them to face the consequences of their deeds by the Hon CJN Justice Olukayode Ariwola.

By so doing, it will send a serious signal to the likes of the people that are into the ungodly acts of such magnitude.

So far the leadership of the current CJN Justice Olukayode Ariwoola is on the right track, of redeeming the already battered inmage of the Judiciary with his ongoing agressive transformation of the Judiciary, even if for nothing, he has proved to the world that the Judiciary under his watch has a zero tolerance for Corruption and will passionately leave Judiciary better than he met it.

It is against this backdrop that the petitioner in his November 2023 Petition reiterated his Unflinching Supports and commitment to bring his attention to the monumental Corruption that led to the manipulation of the appointments of these six Federal High Court Judges that were grossly denied being appointed in the Federal High Court.

The manipulation of their appointment by the so-called then power that be and the so-called “Godfather that denied these incorruptible judicial officers during their times in their respective states as Chief Magistrates could best be described as an injury to the detriment of those Litigants that are on trials before the unqualified judges appointed, who that are currently Presiding over the fates of the litigants in their courts.

This is yet another call on the good office of the honourable Chief Justice of Nigeria, to again, as a matter of necessity (being continually stressed), revisit the appointments of 6 Judges of the Federal High Courts, a 2020 exercise, in the forthcoming meeting of the National Judicial Council, for, something place on nothing cannot stand, the base having been corrupt.

It is therefore incumbent on all, be one on the bench or at the bar, to frown at corruption and vigorously pursue fairness and justice in the appointment of judges, as clearly contained in the petition of November, 2023, to the honourable, the Chief Justice of Nigeria.

The image and integrity of the judiciary cannot and must not be compromised… again it is the last hope of the common man.

On the final note, as the National Judicial Council is set for the council’s meeting slated for Wednesday, the 15th,of May 2024 it is our humble belief, and with all sincerity that my Lord Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, JSC and the CJN will do all within his power, to revisit the manipulation of the appointment of these applicants that were denied their appointment of serving their Father Land by the power that be under the watch of the former CJN Justice Mohammed Tanko.

That is my Clarion call to your Lordship Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, JSC, to further prove his Onion as an incorruptible Jurist of innestimable standard in the Nation’s Apex Court.

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