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DSS uncovers plan to destabilise the country, warns it would take action



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The Department of State Services said, it has discovered that some elements are committed to destabilization of the nation, warning it would swing into action, if they don’t retrace their steps.

In a statement in Abuja on Monday, the secret Police explained, it has taken cognizance of divisive utterances capable of igniting the nation noting that socio-cultural groups doing that should desist.

Part of the statement issued by Mr. Peter Afunanya, the Department’s Public Relations Officer, which was made available to journalists stated: “The Department of State Services (DSS) has uncovered plans by some persons and groups desirous of taking advantage of latest developments in parts of the country to destabilize it.

“Some prominent personalities and socio-cultural groups have resorted to divisive acts through inciting statements aimed at pitting individuals, groups and ethnic nationalities against another. The Service is, without doubt, aware of these plans and their sponsors.

“Consequently, it warns that it will no longer tolerate the orchestrations by subversive and unscrupulous elements to cause a breakdown of law and order in the country.

“In this regard, it is working assiduously with relevant authorities and sister security and law enforcement agencies to ensure that the sinister objective is not achieved.

“The Service reiterates its commitment to the internal security of Nigeria and will, within the confines of the law, decisively deal with planners of the mayhem.

“Law abiding citizens are urged to go about their normal businesses and disregard the antics of agents of destabilization.

“They should, however, avail the Service and related agencies with useful information about the activities of criminals and groups intent on instigating violence in the country”, the statement concluded.

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