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Qualities of a good worshipper



Rev. Dr. Ifeoma Emeribe
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In our previous admonition we said that, “It is a privilege to be a worshiper of God. To adore Him and reverence Him for who He is. When we come into His presence, we understand that He really does not lack heavenly beings to worship Him, but He dwells and enjoy worship that comes from man because man has be given will to worship Him while angels do not have will; it is an obligation to them”.

Being a worshiper there are qualities, indeed good qualities that a worshiper should have:

HOLY LIVING: The God we ascribe reference and worship to is a holy God. Holy living is possible if not He will not say, ” …be ye holy; for I am holy.” ( Lev 11:44; 1 Peter 15,16)

It’s unfortunate that some christian worshipers in our contemporary world and churches today live in immorality, drugs, drunkenness, and much more; yet are wonderful singers and worshipers.

It’s an error to come down from the bed of immorality and climb up the pulpit to minister in song. It’s a gross error that need to be corrected. Neither is it proper to be ministering in the influence of drugs or alcohol instead of being under the influence and full of the Holy Spirit.

Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity), but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him. Ephesians 5:18 AMP

Spirit filled worshipers are on great demand now in our churches.

2. SKILLED IN MUSIC: There is nothing as good as the sound of harmonized voice and instruments.
One quality of good worshiper is to be skilled and talented in instrument of music. It enhances inspirational song composition that edifies the church and bring down the presence of God.

A good worship should not be tune deaf, but should be able to sing along with the keynote comfortable for his voice as provided by the instrumental

3. HUMBLE: The tendency for pride to surface is possible. We must understand that God opposes anyone that is proud.

Psalm 138:6
For though the Lord is exalted,
Yet He regards the lowly,
But the haughty He knows from afar.

Proverbs 8:13
“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil;
Pride and arrogance and the evil way
And the perverted mouth, I hate.

James 4:6
But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Lucifer the chief musician in heaven was cast down when pride got hold of him and sin was found in him.

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, that didst lay low the nations!”(Isaiah 14:12 ASV)

4. TEACHABLE: The skill of worship is dynamic. An experience today could differ tomorrow. To be a good worship learning must be continuous and not to be static.

There are songs we sing that are really not in adoration to God but admonishes us. For instance ” IT SHALL BE PERMANENT (2X) WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE FOR ME, IT SHALL BE PERMANENT

Let us carefully select songs that exalts his Majesty during worship.

5. STUDIES THE WORD: The word of God is full of grace to inspire and compose songs. The creativity and skill of the songs we sing as hymn today are word base and born out of experiences.

The revelation of God to us through his word make us call him names according to our encounter.

Someone called him JEHOVAH JIREH for his provision. RAPHA after experiencing his divine health. OMNI EVERYTHING for the wonderful things He has done.

Our expression during worship most times get its source from the WORD. A good worshiper must love the word.

Having established the above points, it’s also important that l emphasis that some songs may spring forth in trouble times, yet we are encouraged after singing them.

The song IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL was sung out of a terrible experience. Yet his connection with God kept him going even after losing his family to the sea.

What kind of worhip do we render today? If it’s just lip service, change and gain the above qualities.

God bless you

Rev. Dr. Ijeoma Emeribe is a Senior Pastor at Priesthood Stream Church in Abuja, Nigeria and can be reached for Counselling and prayers through: or 08064274621

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