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Plateau APC Youths storms State Assembly, endorse election of new Speaker, Rt. Hon. Sanda



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Hundreds of Youths under the platform of APC Youths Online, Friday stormed the premises of the Plateau State House of Assembly in a peaceful procession in support of the election of the new Speaker of the State Assembly Rt. Hon. Yakubu Sanda.

The Youth’s peaceful procession is coming a day after the former Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Abok Ayuba, was impeached by eight lawmakers of the State Assembly.

The APC Youths Online cut across 17 Local Governments of the State irrespective of tribal or religious affiliation.

Leader of the youth group, Comrade Saminu Maigoro said the Youths of the State stormed the Assembly to plead with all the 24 lawmakers to put the interest of the State first before any other thing.

Maigoro who is also the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, APC Youths online, called on the people of the State to unite and work with the new Speaker, Hon Yakubu Sanda.

“Legislative work must commence in the state assembly, we call for peace, the state is bigger than any individual , Plateau must always come first.This rally was staged to express the support of the people for the leadership of the new speaker Hon Yakubu Sanda.”

According to him, the turnout of youths has proven that the people of Plateau want peace and urging the Plateau Lawmakers to settle their differences and commence legislative business for the betterment of the State.

Another Youth Comrade Pius Tognaan
who spoke at the occasion said that Hon Abok is not the first speaker to be impeached by members of the state house of assembly.

“What happened in the House of Assembly was a legislative issue and lawmakers should respect it and get use to it.”

Tongnaan said he is confident the New Speaker would act and ensure that all pending bills which have suffered undue delays in the House during the former Speaker will receive proper legislative action as the State needs to make progress and deliver the dividends of democracy to the electorate.

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