Sunday Ministration: Topic: Heart of Thanksgiving

By Pastor Kola Oyekale

Text: 1Thessalonians 5:16-18

God makes everything work for good for you.
Ezekiel 28:15
You were created without blame until iniquity was found in you.
*When we make choices outside God’s plan and purpose for our lives, it comes with unfavorable consequences.*
Most of our desires are not granted to us in prayer out of the depth of God’s love for us, we might not understand until we grow to maturity.
Inspite of the fact that devil inflicts pain, wickedness etc on earth, yet God did not destroy him because if everything we wanted we had at a go no one will think of *eternity*.
Man wasn’t created alone for the short life here on Earth. The life spent here on Earth is small compared to the life of eternity.
*Death is not the end of man*
Man is an eternal being. His body might perish on Earth but after here there’s an endless life.
Spirit beings are not created to die. Spirits are indestructible. Spirit beings were created to exist eternally.
Physical death is as a result of Adam’s failure.
The life of those who stay with God is Joy n Peace everlasting.
*Ref:* Story of the Rich man & Lazarus
Death’s assignment ends here on earth.
*We can only cry for mercy here on earth. After we cross over no mercy.*
Luke 16:22-31
Make the best use of your time.
When we live this Earth, we either go it agony, fire or Joy in God’s bossom.
Lazarus was comforted as against his pain and distress on earth.
The rich man was seen in agony that will last for eternity.
Your life here now will determine where you will be after death.
*Choose wisely!*
*Remember:* *Your decisions decides your destiny*
If what you are hearing can’t change you now to have a different perspective from your attitude to God even the risen dead can’t cause you to change.
We face certain challenges to make us think about life beyond here, because, if we get all we want we won’t think about eternity. The challenges we face checkments our life and helps us to have a rethink and reprogram our life. Life goes beyond what we can handle.
*God allows us to go through something because of his love for you…. He needs your life to be on cause for Him.*
You can’t see what is keeping your body. The moment what is keeping it goes the body becomes useless.
Prayer: Lord help me to stay on Cause for you, to live here on earth with eternity in mind.