Easter Retreat: Plenary 1: Topic: Understanding the Mystery of faith

By Pastor Kola Oyekale

Text: Hebrews 11vs1-3

The effectiveness of your living is the structure that’s in place.
The understanding of the way we are structured spiritually will reconfigure your mind.
God functions by faith and wants us to function by faith because we were made in his likeness.
The natural world we see today came out of the invisible world.
That means that the currency that made this earth to be is the currency of faith.
When it comes to God, he operates everything by faith.
There are 2 powerful laws:
1. Law of Faith
2. Law of Love
Love is the greatest because it gave birth to faith.
Galatians 5vs6
The law of faith is the secret behind creation. Faith brought the invisible into the visible.
This same law helps us to move things from ideas to reality, dreams to products and desire to manifestation.
It is the law responsible for the miraculous.
Faith begins with where the will of God is known. If there’s anything God wants to take place on the earth is his will.
John 15vs7-8, 15
You abide in God by studying and meditating on God’s word.
John 8vs31
2 John 1vs9
1 John 5vs14
Whatever we desire must be in the parameters of God’s will.
1. Faith begins where God has made provision.
An example of God’s provision is: You are made in the likeness of God
The Holy Spirit is also a provision for our help.
2. Faith begins where God has made promises.
An example of God’s promises: Your children shall be like the sand of the seashore
3. Faith begins where God has made commitment or covenant.
It is the degree to which you see God’s love that will determine your faith in him.
Grace makes provision.
Faith makes the appropriation.
We can receive everything that was made available for us because of Jesus death by our faith.
God created the spiritual and natural world. The spiritual world is eternal. The spiritual world is an unlimited dimension.
2 Corinthians 4vs18
Because we are made in the image of God, we can operate the way God operates.
When you follow God’s instructions, it works.
God takes us through the school of learning how to work by faith. God operates from the realm of knowing the result.
Your faith works on the basis of God’s will.
Genesis 1 is the formation of the world through God’s word.
Genesis 2 is the formation of the world through God’s work.
It’s not struggle that makes you make it. It’s by your trust and faith in God. You must declare the word of faith to create what you want from the unseen realm.
You must deploy the force of faith to create the reality you want from the unseen realm.
You can’t exhaust the spiritual realm.
Luke 5vs5
The things that come in a short time don’t last but what last are things that take a while to come.
The dominion is not a dominion of struggle but of rest.
Everything is created twice.
First as a concept or idea.
Secondly by physical work.
What you desire to happen in your life will not come by chance, you must be deliberate about it.
You activate God’s word by the move of the Spirit.
Faith is what ruled the night, day; faith is what governs the universe.
Your transaction is faith to bring the authority in the spiritual realm to physical realm.
Ephesians 1vs3
Ephesians 2
In life, there are conversions; nothing happens on its own.
Fellowship with the Lord
When we commune with the Lord, there is an energy released inside us.
Communion can be converted to revelation. Revelation graduates to convictions. That is where faith comes in. From faith to confession. From confession to action. When you take actions, it becomes a reality.
It is what you have faith in that you speak.
Jude 1vs20